Have you ever met people who have adopted the mentality of “ohh I’m too old to do that”?
These same people will ask themselves, Am I too old to go surfing? And, the sad thing is most of these types of people are only in their 30’s and will answer yes!
When I meet these types of people my insides cringe as I know they are missing out on so much of life.
Being a waterman I’m always inspired when people take up board sports at any age like 54 year old Kevin who kite surfs every time he comes to Phuket. Or take Peter who even though 65 years old and had bad ankles still pushed himself to give Stand Up paddling a go. On his first day of trying to stand up on the paddle board he only lasted 10 minutes saying his ankles couldn’t handle the pressure. He came back a couple of days later and was determined to try again with his second time lasting 20minutes.
After a couple more times, Peter was up for an entire hour paddling around enjoying not only the stunning perspective of Phuket that’s only experienced from the ocean but also, the health benefits that come from regular stand up paddling.
The story that I’m always proud to share is of my own ‘oldies’, my parents who both started to learn to surf in their late 40’s and now in their late 60’s have been surfing in Bali & Hawaii where some of the worlds best waves are. And even after heart surgery, They still surf most days. “I’m too old” I hear you say, Nonsense!
Thinking you’re too old to do something is an attitude, it’s an attitude that will always make you miss out on things. We are talking specifically about surfing & watersports here but the same attitude applies to all areas of life. Do yourself a favor, next time someone asks you if you want to surf, don’t think you are too old to surf. Just remember all those people in their 50s , 60s, 70s or even 80s who embrace their life to the fullest and attempt to keep their youthful spirit alive by trying the fun things in life.
“Oh but I have a past injury” you might say.
Yes, real injuries need to be considered carefully whether your body is able to withstand the dynamic activity of surfing which is the case for some people who have certain physical issues. But, a lot of what I’m talking about here has to do with the battle within your mind and your willingness to step outside your comfort zone breaking through the lie of unbelief. So, that when you ask yourself the question of am I too old to learn to surf. You can respond with a positive NO, I’M NOT!
So am I too old to learn to surf?
Hopefully after reading this article your answer is definitely not, and where can I sign up?
Talay’s Tip: It’s never too late to learn surfing, get some friends & get out there!